
Five Reasons Why Blogs are Good for E-Commerce

Nigel Wilkinson

Managing Director of Daneswood. Nigel has been in sales and marketing since the 1980's and run digital marketing agencies since 2000.

Have you considered the addition of a blog to your eCommerce site but aren’t sure if it is worth the time and effort? 

Well, there is a great deal of benefits that having a blog can bring to your website, some of which you may not have even considered.  

Here are our top five reasons for including a blog on your eCommerce website.  

Five Reasons to Blog 

Boosts Brand Identity 

Having a recognisable and trusted brand is a massive factor in a successful eCommerce business or any business for that matter. When customers know your brand, the familiarity which is already ingrained makes them much more willing to give you their custom.  

Having a blog helps to boost this brand identity by giving your business a voice to discuss the issues and products which relate to you and your customers.  

Reviews, helpful guides, and tips & tricks are all types of content that can be included on your blog that will benefit your customers. This shows that you are not just a business, but are also invested in helping your customers, and this will not only boost your brand identity but also your brand loyalty.  

Become A Knowledgeable Competitor 

While it’s not essential to have a blog, the truth is your competitors likely will.  So, are you happy to sit back and let them claim all the glory? 

A blog allows you to post content that highlights you as an expert within the industry, you can use your knowledge as a marketing tool to prove why customers should choose to purchase through your eCommerce website, over that of your competitors.  

It’s A Modern-Day Notice Board 

There is only so much information you can include within a product description or newsletter and you will likely have much more that you want your customers to be aware of.  

A blog provides you with the space to post this information, expanding on product information as well as making business announcements.  

This is then a good source of fresh, original content that you can share with your followers on social media, helping increase engagement in this area. Two birds… 

It Builds Rankings 

Quality blog content that people want to read, is a powerful tool in helping to increase your search engine ranking. This is because it increases organic traffic to your site, both via searches but also via links posted on your social media.  

More traffic is an opportunity for more sales, and this means higher profits. If you ensure that your blog offers value and your eCommerce site is well designed for easy navigation, customers have no reason not to make a purchase! 

It Costs Nothing! 

What’s better than a cheap marketing tool? A free one!  

Blogging costs nothing and is relatively easy to do, as long as you know what you want to write about. So, even if you are not 100% confident there is literally nothing to lose in trying.  

If you have a little more leeway in your budget, you can also outsource your blog writing to a digital marketing specialist (such as ourselves) to take some of the pressure off.  


If you want to make more out of your eCommerce site, contact our experts today and find out how we can help you make blogging a success.