
Preparing your Ecommerce Website for the January Sales

Nigel Wilkinson

Managing Director of Daneswood. Nigel has been in sales and marketing since the 1980's and run digital marketing agencies since 2000.

You’ve spent the last few months in a frenzy, trying to ensure you have everything ready to catch all those Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas shoppers. It can be exhausting, but now is not the time to take a break.

Preparing your ecommerce website for the January sales is just as important and can give you a much-needed boost in the slump after the festive period.

The January sales start immediately after Christmas. In fact, the UK is predicted to see a record £1 billion spent on Christmas day alone this year.

Take a look at our pointers below to find out what you can do to maximise sales during January.

Mobile Friendly

The popularity of mobile devices has steadily grown over the past few years and a large portion of your customers will be visiting your website from one of these. It is extremely important to ensure that your website is fully optimised for mobile devices.

If your website is hard to use or incorrectly displayed, people will not stay on the page and you will lose customers, and sales, to your competitors.

Visible Pages

Having a sale page is all good and well unless your customers can’t actually find it. Make sure that the page is visible in your navigation bar or top menu so that people can quickly and easily navigate to it.

You can further help traffic by including links to your sales page in banners on the website or emails, along with Social Media posts.

Dynamic Promotions

The key to a good sale is grabbing people’s attention. You can do this by preparing an effective promotion across various platforms. Sort some eye-catching graphics ahead of time and use these across your website, emails and social media. Include details of your sale, such as discount percentages or promotional codes.

Make sure these graphics link directly to your sales page to make purchasing as easy and enjoyable for people as possible.

Theme your Marketing

January is the time where everyone is thinking about resolutions, be that to get healthy, increase fitness or just be more productive.

Use this in your marketing content and aim your products towards these goals. Products that appear to benefit a person in their aims are much easier to sell.

Make it Personal

Don’t forget your loyal customers at this time. While a sale on your website is for everyone, you can still build brand loyalty by offering additional discounts to repeat customers via email.

Additionally, consider setting up abandoned cart emails, which are sent to potential customers with additional incentives to finish their purchase.

Review your Checkout

The checkout is the final step you can use to optimise your sales process. Make sure the process is as smooth as possible for your customers. Fix any glitches ahead of time to avoid losing sales.

You could also consider adding product recommendations at this stage and increase your add-on sales.

If you would like to know more about how you can prepare your ecommerce website for the January sales, contact our team today.

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