
Can You Use Chat GPT to Write Website Content and Blogs?

Nigel Wilkinson

Managing Director of Daneswood. Nigel has been in sales and marketing since the 1980's and run digital marketing agencies since 2000.

You can’t go on social media or news websites without reading about Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the moment, especially ChaptGPT. Everyone seems to be on it – or trying to get on it, as their servers struggle to cope with demand. People are extolling its virtues, highlighting its faults or worrying it’s the end of the world, well, we’ve all seen Terminator, and it’s a scary thought.

So, is it the answer to all problems, another false dawn, or the end of the human race? The likely answer to all of these is NO. And if I’m wrong and humans are doomed, then at least no one is going to come back and criticise this blog!

Where you should not be using it is in writing your website content. Google have been very specific that they will downgrade or ignore content that is written by AI.

Google’s Search Advocate, John Mueller, says content automatically generated with AI writing tools is considered spam, according to the search engine’s webmaster guidelines. “It’s still automatically generated content, and that means for us, it’s still against the Webmaster Guidelines. So, we would consider that to be spam.”

How are they going to know, I hear you ask? You won’t be surprised to know they are going to use AI to identify the writing patterns. Yes, AI is fighting the use of AI.

What does that mean for website and blog owners? It means you still must write your content the old-fashioned way. The good news is that if you put in some thought, know and understand your subject, bring some passion and expertise to your writing, and make it unique, not only will Google not penalise you, but you will get boosted up the rankings, attract people who are interested in your product or services and buy into your values and message.

Which means, at least for the foreseeable future, I’ll be writing a blog again soon. Or, in other words……..

I’ll be back!